Guide to launching your brand on the Web in 2022: Sustainability 3/3

Third and final stop for our complete guide to bringing your brand, or your innovation, to life on the Web! Your brand is launched. It has a name and an identity. Now, what do you do? Measure it! To make your brand last, you need to measure its progress with quantifiable data and KPIs from the start. 

When you start out, you are quick to rush in and do whatever it takes! However, setting up tracking tools to collect and compare measurable data at each stage of your project is essential. There are no miracles in marketing, data is a godsend. So, which indicators should you use? And how to make your brand last and evolve over time? 

Define the KPIs to measure your ROI

Just as essential as your strategy: define the list of key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure the effectiveness of your strategy with quantifiable data and adjust along the way. These indicators are not fixed in time and can evolve. 

Now, what performance indicators should you use? It all depends on your project and your strategy. For example, you can track :

  • SEO KPIs related to your visibility on search engines (site positioning tracking, keyword tracking, number of impressions, organic visits and traffic share, number of visits, loading time, pages that generate the most traffic, bounce rate, duration of visits, etc.) 

  • Reputation KPIs (social signals, recommendations on social networks, citations in the press and on the web, reviews on websites or your Google My Business page...),

  • KPIs related to your sales (number of sales, bestsellers, average basket...),

  • other marketing KPIs (traffic distribution via acquisition channels, measurement of the effectiveness of your Ads campaigns, conversion tracking...),

  • ... 

The choice of your KPIs must make sense. First of all, a KPI that is not actionable brings nothing. Secondly, the results of a KPI must guide the strategy. By defining your KPIs, you must be able to make a list of actions to be implemented. These indicators allow you to evolve and explore other more efficient paths. 

Other indicators to know to grow your innovation

Because you propose an innovation, other KPIs are interesting to integrate:

  • the results of the user tests, 

  • the questions you are asked (after-sales service, social media, email...), 

  • the quality of the backlinks (the incoming links to your site). 

This allows you to identify friction points and obstacles in order to adapt your communication, or... to improve your innovation. Because innovating is like SEO: an iterative and creative practice. 

If it's not a KPI as such, the SERP and its ecosystem also provide valuable information . Have you seen AAPs (People Aslo Ask) appear on your product? Or Featured Snippets and a format you can try to position yourself on? 

  • Description text goes hereThe ASSONANCE tip for leveraging these questions? Create a FAQ and use the questions you are most often asked on social networks, by email or on the phone.

To last, stay in touch with the market and your users

Chances are, your innovation will arouse the curiosity of the competition and some brands will want a piece of the pie. Monitor the competition via SEO KPIs (positioning tracking, keyword opportunities...) or via reputation KPIs . This allows you, for example, to know if you need to optimize your content. Why? You have noticed that your content has lost positions, because new competing contents are now positioned on the same theme. 

Listen to your customers and connect with your users on your communication channels. Tap into your brand storytelling and think about actions to build and retain your community. Value their feedback and involve them in the development of your brand. 


Create and automate content in a constructive way


Guide to launching your brand on the Web in 2023: developing 2/3