ASSONANCE in 2024: projects and new ideas

NGL as the younger than me say ("not going to lie") on TikTok, the ASSONANCE agency project is very much linked to my own career and my own desires for content creation. My real satisfaction is to have seen this optimized content marketing agency project evolve over the years while putting things in place very gradually and at the times when I was ready to do them. Obviously, the first few years focused on SEO-oriented web writing. We always do it diligently. However, I've always wanted to go into multimedia. It is this same desire to produce enriched content with something other than text that I have conducted my studies and my career. Those who know me personally know that I have an initial training for multimedia journalism with the title of "multimedia writer-designer" which I finally exchanged for a preparatory course in applied arts (???!) and then several years at RESONEO after some experience in a media and as a freelancer. You will see in the rest of this post, that - as Franck Ribéry would say - the wheel turns quickly. Plot twist, back to square one, it seems that having studied literature is not useless.

Today our agency has a great catalog of services : SEO-Oriented Content Marketing Consulting, E-E-A-T Audit, Content Automation with MailChimp, SEO dedicated to Youtube, Email Marketing, Social Media Content Marketing, Web Storytelling and Documented.

Affirming our international positioning

We travel to better follow the news, meet our peers in France and abroad, expand our networks and especially learn even more about our professions.

In the photo on the right, you can see three members of the team (Hélène Ioannidis, Jennifer Trouille and myself) in an amazing restaurant in the UK on the occasion of BrightonSEO in autumn 2023. By the way, this stunning restaurant was this one.

At the end of 2022, Lola Depret also joined our team as an apprentice Content Manager. It produces a great piece of work that our clients have already seen, but that you can also see on the Revue Hypertexte as well as on an upcoming singular communication operation.

You will be able to meet us in 2024 at the following professional events:

We were also recently at SEOByNight in Orléans and remain open for other events to be scheduled!

Today, a good half of our agency's turnover is achieved through our collaborations with players outside France or to help French clients internationalize through the relocation of content. You have probably noticed a small rebranding of our offer to "ASSONANCE Agency" for a better readability of our offer by our non-French-speaking interlocutors.

A desire to provide our customers and partners with the resources to always go further

We communicate more intensively than before and we also produce content on a variety of media. On the one hand, it makes us happy and it allows us to experiment with other ways of telling stories than the written word in order to keep up to date on the different possible mediums. We have in-house skills in editing, graphic design and journalism that it would be a shame not to use. With these skills, we have created

that complement

Excerpt from the latest episode of the Euphonie podcast:

We are also organizing a webinar that will take place on March 28 at 3 p.m. on the subject of natural referencing in and with Youtube to develop your audience and increase your income through video marketing.

Content Marketing more optimized than ever

To stay up to date, we have committed time to training, in particular with two SEO masterclasses with RESONEO, via the certification of our partner YourText.Guru as well as with support from the Voltaire Project. Also, to stay in shape in mind and body, we have set up a free access to our employees at the UCPA Sport Station complex in Greater Reims in addition to unlimited access to the Masterclass platform. By the way, we're hiring !

Our overactive editorial laboratory: Euphonie Studio®

Euphonie Studio is a brand that we created in order to develop our editorial offers through the implementation of experimental formats and for the love of art. This is content that we create for ourselves, on which we test other methodologies and other tools. When these tests prove satisfactory for us, these new elements are integrated (or not) into our consulting offer to support our clients. In any case, it allows us to implement an operational watch on our businesses. For example, we have set up our email marketing and content automation offer via MailChimp and our specialized SEO service Youtube.

With our partner Rossel Est Médias , we are also developing new formats to promote advertisers for distribution on the group's media, such as the newspapers L'Union, L'Ardennais, L'Est éclair and Libération Champagne, with the Web and Print working hand in hand. Do you want to gain visibility on one of these media? Contact us to get in touch!

The creation of our own media: the Revue Hypertexte®

We launched the Hypertext Review in January 2024 after a one-year preparation period and a 2-month crowdfunding for digital subscription offers and orders for the early-bird print version.

The Hypertext Review is officially launched with:

The birth of the Revue Hypertexte really took place in January 2016 when the ASSONANCE agency took its first steps. The desire for an introspective medium on the Web and its uses was very important to me. I am now more than happy to have made this project a reality at a time when our agency was mature enough to support such an undertaking.

The Revue Hypertexte® talks about the Internet, how it works, its actors and its challenges. We make it a point of honor to produce interesting, relevant and entertaining content through the development of an experience that you will enjoy sharing. Our challenge: 0% of images from image banks in the paid version. We want to put the visual and multimedia back at the centre of the discourse without considering them only as a tool to ventilate the text. The visual is a content.

We are also looking for advertisers and partners to help us grow while staying on track with our values and ambitions: a multi-channel, international and virtuous media. We have prepared a beautiful brochure that you can request from us by email or via the form below. A big thank you to our early backers via the crowdfunding campaign as well as to our early partners Inéolab, Visibrain, Neurodivergents in SEO Community.

Excerpt from the brochure of the Revue Hypertexte in French.

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The rest is being prepared...

Did you really think we were going to stop there?

Obviously, the plans for 2025 are already being prepared.


We tested it for you: editing a brand content video with Adobe Express


Is slow content enough?